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Excessive Drinking

Prior research has shown that alcohol abuse and dependence in general with higher rates of obesity, such as a high body mass index (BMI) shows. Findings from a new study on the relationship between BMI and regional measures of the structure of the brain metabolite concentrations and cerebral blood flow suggest that alcohol can damage the brain from a complex mixture of hazardous drinking outcome, chronic cigarette smoking, and even increased BMI.

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Doctors, the dysfunction drugs prescribeerectile for their male patients should be careful to discuss the importance of safe sex practices, even with older patients: This is an important implication of a report in the sixth July issue of Annals of Internal Medicine.The analysis of insurance records of more than 1.4 million U.S. men over 40 found that, those who used ED drugs were more sexually transmitted diseases than non-users.

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Two new studies have more light on how smoking can damage the reproductive capacity and give additional weight to advise that, to be mothers and fathers should stop smoking before trying to stop pregnant. The research is online in reproductive medicine journal Human Reproduction published (Wednesday, September 8).

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Early Puberty

Girls are hit puberty earlier and earlier. A recent study found that more than 10 percent of American girls some breast development by age 7. This news has upset many people, but it can evolutionary sense, in some cases, girls develop faster, published after the authors of a new paper machine in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science.

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Young Italian Women

The incidence of acute myocardial infarction in Italy increased significantly, especially in young women, between the years 2001 and 2005, after a comprehensive study of the Human Health Foundation (HHF), a nonprofit charitable organization funded Italian for biomedical research and health education in Spoleto, Italy. The results were published in Aging Clinical Experimental Research.

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Female Athletes

In female athletes with chronically higher levels of estrogen cause differences in the mechanical properties of tendons to a higher risk of injury, according to a study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, research official journal of the National Strength and Conditioning Association. The journal is published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, a part of Wolters Kluwer Health, a leading provider of information published, and business intelligence for students, professionals and institutions in medicine, nursing, Allied Health, and Pharmacy.

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Artificial Heart

The Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center is to enable the leading institution in a national clinical trial of the technology that artificial heart patients will recover, rehabilitate, and wait in the comfort of your own home until a donor heart for transplant will be available.